
Zelle Not Working With Chime? ( See Solution Here )

One of the most horrible experiences that I have had while using the Zelle payment platform was when I tried connecting it with my Chime card. Truth be told, I kept receiving a “Zelle not working with Chime” error message which ended up being enough reason as to why I should discontinue.


After some time, I found out that I was not the only Zelle user that got this type of error message, but a lot of other curious persons like me did. And being realistic, more and more people will suffer the same fate and some even go ahead to scrap their mobile phones, thinking it is caused by the “innocent” device.

In this article, I will be sharing with you everything that you need to know about the “Zelle not working with Chime” error message that you keep getting. This will include the reasons for the error message, as well as some solutions that I have discovered for this. So, without further ado, let us proceed –

What Is The “Zelle Not Working With Chime” Error Message?


The Zelle not working with Chime error message is a notification from the Zelle payment platform, that signifies that the user can not use Zelle with the Chime card, or any of the Chime bank products. 

It usually pops up and stops the user from using Chime to make payments in their Zelle account.

Does Zelle Work With Chime?


No, Zelle does not work with Chime. The online payment platform, which most people (including myself) refer to as the Chime bank (even though it consists of two US banks), does not work with Chime.  And this has been the reason why the Zelle not working with Chime error message that keeps popping up. 

Can I Make Zelle Work With Chime?


No, you can not make Zelle work with Chime. Currently, no one can make Zelle work with Chime cards or any of the “Chime bank” products.

Reasons Zelle Does Not Work With Chime


There are quite two basic reasons why Zelle does not work with Zelle. Below are a few of these reasons.

1. Zelle Does Not Work With Prepaid Cards


Basically, the basic reason why Zelle does not work with Chime (or the Chime card) is that it is a prepaid card and Zelle does not work with prepaid cards. That is, any card with some “stored” money is basically not allowed on the Zelle payment platform. And this includes the Chime card.

2. Chime Is Not Compatible With Zelle


Aside from the fact that Zelle does not work with a prepaid card (the Chime card is a prepaid card), another reason why Zelle does not work with Chime is that both services are not integrated.

This is why even while trying to make a transfer either from your Zelle account to your Chime bank account, it simply does not work. And that is because there were not developed to work with each other.

How To Fix” Zelle Not Working With Chime Error Message


Having known the cause for the “Zelle not working with Chime” error message, there are a few fixes that you can use to avoid seeing this notification.

1. Use A Natural Bank Or Link To A Bank That Is Supported On Zelle


Using a natural bank that is compatible with the Zelle payment platform, or bank will act as a quick fix for the error message. This method of transfer is super easy. And all that is needed to be done is just for the Zelle user to add the money into the physical bank account, and then move the money from their account straight into their Zelle account, which they can use it.

And also, move the money from your Zelle account straight into your bank account without any stress. Physical and traditional banks such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and others are all supported. 

2. Use The Chime “Pay Friends”


The Chime “pay friends” is basically a feature in Chime that you can use to make payments into your traditional bank account, of which you can then move straight into your Zelle account.

Note: This fix does not necessarily make Zelle start working with Chime. However, it will proffer solutions to your Zelle transactions that might require the Chime bank or Chime card.

Related – How To Fix” Bank Of America Zelle Not Working

Other Methods To Transfer Money To Zelle Without Using The Chime Bank


Apart from the two methods above, which act as fixes to the Zelle not working with Chime error message, there is another method you can use to transfer money either from your Zelle to your Chime bank, or from your Chime bank account, straight to your Zelle.

However, this method is the “intermediary” method. And it is making use of a traditional bank to move your money between two accounts. This quite works similarly to the method above, where you linked a bank account that is supported by Zelle. 

What Banks Does Zelle Work With?


Apart from Chime bank, Zelle works with a lot of other banks in the United States. Below are a few banks that work with Zelle.

  • Bank Of America
  • Andrew Johnson Bank
  • APCU/Center Parc
  • Anstaff Bank
  • Ally Bank
  • PNC Bank
  • Andrews Federal Credit Union
  • And a lot of others

Does Zelle Charge A Fee For Transactions With This Banks?


Basically, Zelle does not charge a fee for its transactions with these banks. This includes all major banks that it actually transacts with.


Can Zelle Connect To Chime?


No, Zelle can not connect to Chime. If you want to make your Zelle to connect to your Chime account, you must make use of an intermediary account. And that should be from a major bank.

Can Zelle Work With Chime Card?


No, Zelle can not work with Chime. This is based on the recent change. And not even the Zelle customer care can make it work.

Can I Contact The Zelle Customer Care For Help Connecting My Zelle With My Chime?

Yes, you can contact the Zelle customer care for help. However, the Zelle customer care will not be able to help you connect your Zelle account with your Chime bank account.