
PayPal Withdrawal Limit 2023 [ Daily, ATM Limit & Increase Guide ]

This article is written to ease the burden of searching around for the PayPal withdrawal limit. It contains information about how to check your PayPal withdrawal limit when it resets, how to increase it, as well as the charges, and much other vital information. Read with keen attention to digest all that is contained therein.

PayPal is one of the world’s largest online payment platforms. It is used for sending and receiving money between individuals and businesses all over the world. To curtail spending and for some other reasons, PayPal places limits on accounts of various kinds and amounts. 


PayPal has sending limits, transfer, and withdrawal limits, and so on. It isn’t surprising that some PayPal users, especially new users aren’t aware of the limits. Therefore in this article, we will make the process easy for you by making you understand the PayPal withdrawal limit. 

Here, you will see what the limits are, how to check your limit as well as how to increase your PayPal withdrawal limit. So stay glued to your screen as you digest every bit of information in stock for you. 

Does Paypal Have Withdrawal Limits?


Yes, PayPal has withdrawal limits. The PayPal withdrawal limit is the maximum amount of money that can be withdrawn from your PayPal account within a period. This could be daily, weekly, or monthly. 

Interestingly, the PayPal withdrawal limit applies to only those PayPal accounts that have not been verified. When you verify your PayPal account, the limit is lifted thereby allowing you to withdraw as much money as you like at any time. So you would ask, what are the PayPal withdrawal limits? Find out as you read the next section. 

Paypal Withdrawal Limit


PayPal restricts an unverified account to the maximum withdrawal limit of $500 per month. And the minimum withdrawal limit is $1. 

However, the limit varies with location and other factors after verifying your account. Hence you have to always check your PayPal withdrawal limit with the steps explained in the next section. 


How To Check Your PayPal Withdrawal Limit


Although we have seen the various PayPal withdrawal limit above, it is important to know how to check the limit yourself on the app. By doing so, you will have first-hand information rather than being told. So read further as I take you through how to check your PayPal withdrawal limit.

The following are the steps involved in checking your PayPal withdrawal limit. 

  • Log in to your PayPal account. 
  • Navigate to the account summary page. 
  • Scroll to the bottom and click on “see how much you can send with PayPal”
  • On the next page, you will find the status of all limits to your PayPal account including your PayPal withdrawal limit. 

That was a pretty easy process, right? I know it is. Read on to know when your withdrawal limit resets. 

When Does PayPal Withdrawal Limit Reset?


It would interest you to know that the daily PayPal withdrawal limit just like other withdrawal limits resets at midnight. Hence you can withdraw at the beginning of the next day. 

The monthly limit, however, does not reset at the beginning of a new month. Rather it reset on the day that you opened the account. So if for instance your account was opened on 25th May, your monthly limit will reset on 25th June. 

Can I Increase PayPal Withdrawal Limit?


Yes, the PayPal withdrawal limit is subject to increments. That is to say, you can increase your PayPal limit if you wish to do so. We all know there are situations where you demand that you withdraw much more money than the limit would allow you. But not to worry, the next paragraph will show you how to increase your PayPal withdrawal limits. 

How To Increase PayPal Withdrawal Limit?


There is only one proven way of increasing your PayPal withdrawal limit if you think there is a need to do so. Of course, there must be a need to withdraw more someday. 

The only way to increase your PayPal withdrawal limit is to verify your PayPal account with your bank or card. The verification is quite easy and doesn’t require so much from you. See how to verify your PayPal account below. 

What Are The Requirements Needed For PayPal Account Verification? 


The needed information for verification depends on which method of verification you choose to go with. I will discuss the two methods in the next section. Nevertheless, these are the requirements. 

  • Your email address
  • Your PayPal password. 
  • Your bank name, location, routing number, account number, or your credit/debit card info. 

How To Verify Your PayPal account


So we will be looking at how to verify your PayPal account in two ways. By linking your bank account and by linking your credit or debit card. See details below;

How To Verify Your PayPal Account By Linking A Bank Account


  • Log in to the homepage of your PayPal account. This can be done either on the mobile app or website by entering your email address and password. 
  • Navigate to “my account”
  • Click on the profile tab to access the drop-down menu. 
  • Click on “Add/edit bank”
  • Enter your bank information as itemized in the requirements above and click continue. 
  • PayPal will send two deposits from your PayPal account to your bank account. You will get a notification email within 2 to 3 business days. 
  • Log into your PayPal and verify the deposits by entering the amounts.

With this information received, PayPal will increase your withdrawal limit.

How To Verify Your PayPal Account By Linking Your Debit/Credit Card


If you want to go with the option of verifying with your debit or credit card, follow the steps below. 

  • Log in to the homepage of your PayPal by entering your email address and password. 
  • Tap on Wallet at the top of the page
  • Click on “Link a payment method”
  • Select either debit or credit card. 
  • Enter the account information of your credit or debit card and click submit. 
  • PayPal will deposit the card. This will show as a 4 digit code on your credit card statement or online banking account. This may take up to 2 or 3 business days. You will be notified through email when the deposit has been made. 
  • Open to the wallet page of your PayPal and click on “link a payment method” and choose your debit or credit card. 
  • Enter the 4-digit code and click submit. 

How Much Does It Cost To Increase My PayPal Withdrawal Limit? 


We established above that the only way to increase your PayPal withdrawal limit is to get your account verified using the steps or way that was explained above. 

The verification of your account using a bank account or debit card is done for free. That is to say, you do not have to pay any charges to increase your PayPal withdrawal limit if you are using a bank account or a debit card. 

However, if you want to verify your account with a credit card, you will be charged a fee. This few is not static (varies) but I believe it wouldn’t be more than just a few dollars. And in most cases, the money is reversed to your account after the verification is done. 

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How Long Does It Take To Increase My PayPal Withdrawal Limit?


It takes between 2 to 3 business days to verify your account thereby increasing your PayPal withdrawal limit. However, some banks support instant information if you provide PayPal with info about your online banking. In such a situation, your limit will be increased in a few minutes. 

PayPal ATM Withdrawal Limit

The PayPal ATM daily withdrawal limit is $400.00. and $3,000.00 for daily purchases. However, you must make sure that’ you account is fully verified.

PayPal Daily Withdrawal Limit

Just as we started in the above paragraph, PayPal daily withdrawal limit is $400.00. and $3,000.00 for your daily purchases.



We have shown you the PayPal withdrawal limits for unverified accounts and how to increase them as well as other necessary information in this article. Do well to follow the steps to increase your PayPal withdrawal limit if need be. 

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