
6 Best Hardest Credit Card To Get In 2023

In this article, you will find whatever you need to know about the Hardest Credit Cards To Get. You will see how to get them, the cost of purchase, the qualifications or requirements to get them, as well as every other vital information. Stay tuned and read through it all to the end as every paragraph is educative and informative. Let’s go straight into it without wasting more time. 

I believe you are already familiar with what a credit card is but before we look at the hardest credit cards to get, let’s take a brief overview.  A credit card is a plastic or metal card that allows you to borrow money from financial institutions or Credit Unions for payment of goods and services and other expenditures with the guarantee of paying back in due time. 


Getting a credit card has become a necessity in our current society because everyone is required to have a credit score to be able to perform some transactions. Hence it is necessary to get the cards early enough.

Credit Can be gotten from almost all financial institutions. However, while some credit cards are easy to get, others are hard to get. This brings us to the discussion on the hardest credit cards to get. Let’s see them as we proceed. 

How Can I Get A Credit Card?


It is easy to apply and get approved for a credit card if you are applying for the first time. However, it is important to get details of various credit cards including their bonuses, terms, and conditions before you proceed. 

After searching their details, you can then proceed to the website of the issuing company. Enter your details as required and click on Apply. Your card is most likely to be delivered to you within 3 to 10 business days. 

That was easy, right? It is, however, not that easy with the hardest credit cards to get. So let’s see what it means and its qualifications.

What Does “Hardest Credit Cards To Get” Mean?


As indicated by the name, they are called the Hardest Credit Card To Get because, unlike other credit cards, the application and approval process for these cards is difficult. Also, they are often associated with high-class business owners, celebrities, and very rich individuals.


They are seen as cards for people with great prestige and social status. Most times,  you may not even be required to fill out a form before getting these cards as qualified individuals (wealthy people) are notified and invited by the issuers to get the cards.

Qualifications For Getting Hardest Credit Cards Approved


There are three major qualifications for the hardest credit cards to get. See them below

Age Requirement

You must be up to the required age. There are age limits for getting a credit card. The age limit varies from one country to another. In the US you must be up to 18 years and above. While in some other countries, the age limit could be pegged at 21 years. 

Minimum Income requirement. 

Credit card issuers would access your income. You might be required to bring your bank statement. And you must meet the minimum income requirements to apply and get approved for any of the hardest credit cards to get. So when filling out the application form, include all sources of income aside from your full-time job. Also, include your income ratio. 

Credit History 

Your credit history will also be checked to determine if you are a responsible spender or not. And to know how timely you pay up credits. 

6 (six) Hardest Credit Cards To Get


Now, let’s proceed to see some of the hardest credit cards to get, as well as their features, fees, and other details. 

American Express Black Card

American Express Black Card

First introduced in 1999, the American Express Centurion Card also called AMEX Black Card is used by people with large bank accounts, wealth, and high status. And it comes with so many benefits. You must have an existing AMEX Platinum Credit card account to qualify for this card. And must Spend between $250,000 to $500,000 yearly. You must have a large net worth and an incredible credit score. 

The AMEX black card has no spending limit and it gives you an instant membership into the Equinox Gym located in the US, Canada, and the UK. The AMEX black card has an initial fee of $10000. After that, you pay an annual fee of $2500. 

Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Cards

You must have an excellent credit score to qualify for the Capital One Venture X Rewards credit card. It has lots of rewards and a low annual fee of $395. It gives an annual bonus of 75,000 miles and they are easy to use. However, it lacks hotel status benefits. 

Platinum Card From American Express

Platinum Card From American Express

This is also one of the hardest credit cards to get. A platinum card like the Black card has great offers like Uber rides, travel perks, etc. The cardholders have access to over 1000 American Express Global Airport Lounges in over 100 countries. It also gives $200 Uber credits yearly. However, its annual fee is $695. 

Chase Sapphire Preferred Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred card gives bonuses on travel and purchases of dining. Its rewards can be transferred to Chase Travel Partners. 

Chase Sapphire Reserve

Chase Sapphire Reserve

Chase Sapphire Reserve is good for its offer of great travel rewards and perks. It earns 3 times ultimate rewards points per dollar on travel and dining purchases. Part of its offers is insurance on trips, credit on annual travel, and Airport Lounge access. 

MasterCard Gold Card

MasterCard Gold Card

To qualify and get invited for this credit card, you must have an excellent credit score of 750-850. It gives 2% value for cashback redemption, and $200 annual airline credit, and it has no foreign transaction fees, among many other benefits. It doesn’t give a welcome bonus and has a high annual fee of $995 plus an additional $295 for each authorized user added to the account. 

Related : How To Swipe A Credit Card

What Are The Benefits Of Getting Hardest Credit Cards? 


Below are some of the benefits of the hardest credit cards to get. 

  • Travel Credits
  • Flight bonuses
  • Luxury Shopping
  • Cash Back Bonuses
  • Help to build up an excellent credit score. 
  • No intro APR and lots more 


What Cards Do Millionaires Use?


Most millionaires make use of the hardest credit cards to get. However, here are some prestigious credit cards used by millionaires.

  • Citigroup Chairman Card
  • JP Morgan Chase Palladium Card
  • Stratus Reward Visa
  • Ink Business Preferred Credit Card, etc. 

What Is The Highest Color Credit Card?


Each color of the credit card represents different levels and status. However, the highest color credit card is Black. As it stands above Gold and Platinum.

Are The Hardest Credit Cards To Get Worth It?


When opportuned to get them, these cards are worth it because of the benefits and prestige that they come with. And that they help in building up excellent credit scores that would help in getting easy loan approval.



We have so far in this article explained the details of 6 of the hardest credit cards to get. You also saw the benefits of owning these cards and how to qualify for them. I hope you’ve gotten answers to all your questions.